09 August, 2007

Painting with Poo

Ha Haa!
My sister called me and asked what i was up to... quite truthfully i answered that i was painting poo on trees.

To explain, I was painting Biodynamic treepaste onto the trunks and branches of the recently pruned fruit trees. The tree paste is made up of fresh cow pats, sand or diatomaceous earth and potting clay or bentonite.

The idea behind it is to seal wounds from the previous year and from the pruning. It also provides a nourishing "cream" for the plant in this season's growth.

Rudolph Steiner said that "the trunk of a tree can be likened to an elongated mound of Earth, upon which plants (leaves) grow." So the tree paste carries out a similar function to compost spread on the ground.

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to your new range of beauty treatments for domestic plants as well, Jules.
