05 December, 2008

Robin’s Final Post

Well, the time has finally come for me to wave goodbye to Imago Forest. I’ll be leaving shortly to continue my world tour (next stop Auckland) so, sadly, this will be my final post on the farm blog.

So how has it been living off the grid out in the bush, eeking out a living as a WWOOFer for the last three months? The highlight has to be seeing nature at work in all its beauty and ruthlessness. I’ve witnessed a few things that many Aussies never get to see, let alone Pommy backpackers: I’ve seen a snake devour a mouse; a huge swarm of bees descend on the farm in search of a new home; countless wallabies foraging for food (and trying to sneakily steal our crops); lizards sunning themselves here there and everywhere; and spiders the size of small dogs on the hunt for their dinner. I’ve also been rudely awakened in the middle of the night by a frog jumping up and down on my head, and been attacked by leeches and ticks countless times, but the less said about that the better.

Animals aside, Mother Nature has served up some spectacular weather for our delectation on this hilly outcrop. Being able to peer out over the mountains from the comfort of the yurt and witness some magnificent electrical storms has been a joy. Possibly the most impressive of nature’s feats to this city slicker however has simply been the rate at which our veggies have grown. I had no notion whatsoever of what went into cultivating those juicy veggies that are on offer in abundance at the supermarket, so seeing our crops go from seed to plate in a matter of weeks – powered by nothing but sunlight, rainwater, well-prepared soil and bit of good old fashioned hard work – has been fascinating.

Living the sustainable lifestyle out here in the bush has also been an experience and a half. In all honesty, I’m looking forward to getting back to the creature comforts of city living (such as not having to bury your own sewage every few months), but I’m going to make a renewed effort to cut down on wastefulness and keep an eye on the old carbon footprint. One things for sure, I’ll have a whole new appreciation of being able to take a hot plumbed-in shower, pick up supplies from a shop within walking distance and amble down to the local pub for a cool beer. Cheers! I’m off to sleep for a week.