31 January, 2009


It really is beautiful up here at the moment. Although it is very dry, the dam is holding up well and keeping the vegies going. Millo and Shelley are up at the farm and with fresh eyes they are eagerly picking the blackberries which can still be found here and there. Look out this week for fresh berries and jam!

25 January, 2009

Inside Please!

It's been a long time coming, but some solid walls are about to go up for the wwoofers. There's a large open shed that was built many years ago, that Millo and I put some pavers down this week. After that we'll put up some walls and then the wwoofers will be able to move out of the tent and into the cottage!
It was a week of hard work as we dug the foundations, compacted the gravel and laid the pavers. Initially we were cutting the bricks by hand which was slow and resulted in many broken bricks. We then borrowed an angle grinder with a diamond head which allowed us to do the whole lot again, neater and in the same time it took us to do half the job by hand.
Thank you Millo and Simon!

17 January, 2009

Jumping for Joy

What a joy it was to come back from Christmas holidays to find the garden jumping with green vibrancy. The Bok Choy, Zucchini, Salad Mix, Tatsoi and Sunflowers are really bursting out of the beds.