03 November, 2008

Post rain

How things can change in a week. This week my prayers were answered when the cold, wet and miserable weather was finally replaced by glorious sunshine (apart from on shop day, when it always rains). The garden seems to have got a bit confused with all this meteorological changeability, with some beds bearing big juicy greens, while others house vegetables that are insisting on going to seed. So this week I've been doing battle on two fronts; trimming down the seeding crops to try to persuade them to grow into something edible, and pulling up those stubborn weeds who have been gatecrashing our veggie beds in ever-increasing numbers. Yesterday, In a break from the trimming and weeding, I began turning over the soil in one of the beds in preparation for planting, and disrupted a whole network of field mice burrows - including a nest of tiny baby mice. I'm not sure if they're good for the garden or not but, feeling a bit guilty about unearthing their home and scaring their parents away, I'm going to try to keep the babies alive while working on the other beds. I've got no idea what to feed them, but I hear mice are keen on peanut butter, so might give that a try - provided our resident red-bellied black snake doesn't get to them first...

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