The garlic harvesting and plaiting was a great success! Earlier in the month Robin and I pulled the garlic from the ground. It was very satisfying to see 18kg of garlic come from only 3kg planted.
To develop the flavours fully and ensure the garlic keeps well, the bulbs with stems were laid out in the sun on the ground. Of course with all the rain we've been having up here, this meant moving them in and out of shelter between showers.
As the stems dry out, they turn into a raffia which will use to braid them together.

But before we can do this, we cleaned the garlic up by cutting the roots off and peeling off the outermost layers of dirty skin, revealing the beautiful clean stems and lovely variegated purple heads.
Finally, we sized them up, took eleven each and plaited them up. After much trial and error, we got them into neat double rows. And with 18kg of garlic, we won't be seeing the vampires around here for a while!
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