It has also allowed me to get help, and so it's confirmed, Chris Searle is the new Shop Coordinator. He can be contacted at imagoforest.singleton.orders at gmail.com. I trust you will enjoy his smiling face each week.
This in turn will mean that I can start to concentrate on the farm and increasing the amount of produce grown here and therefore appearing in your boxes.
This is just in the nick of time, as I was wrong in thinking that i'd managed to keep the wallaby out of the garden. In fact there's now two of them. So in addtion to doing some nightly patrols of the garden with Perra, I'm leaving Perra in the garden on days i'm away to guard it.
Although i'm resigned to the loss of the beans, tomatoes and silverbeet, I'm concerned about the future of the Apple trees as I think there can't be too many leaf buds left to keep the tree alive.
Better go patrol the garden...!
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