On reflection, this lush growth is a great bonus compared to having bare earth paths, because it now provides extra vegetation when creating compost heaps or mulching a bed. A quick run over with the mower provides a large pile of organic material.
One thing i've noticed with having the beds on six month rotations, is that the plants get a chance to go to seed fully and i'm starting to see plants come up all of their own accord. These plants are very often happy and full looking plants as they have sprouted at exactly the right time for them and haven't had to be transplanted. I've also noticed that some of them are crossing with each other... so if you notice a vegie in your box that looks like a cross between a Bok Choy and a Tatsoi... that'll be the Imago special plant ... a Tats Choy!
This year I got the first of the fruit including nectarines, plums and peaches. They were exquisite... but unfortunately not yet abundant enough to make it past my belly and into your boxes. Look out next year though, as i'm sure there will be enough to go around then!
An abundant season that's for sure!