The last few days here at
Looking back, we’ve made a huge difference to the appearance of the Mandala garden and spent many hours out there in the sunshine pruning, mowing, planting strawberries which have already thrown up bright green leaves, and transplanting our beautiful little seedlings into a bed. Although through the rain I can’t see any of our achievements, I feel pleased that our garden is getting the watering it deserves.
Hannah, Paul and I dedicated a full morning to digging two ponds in the mandala and lining one with bentonite clay…an experiment which unfortunately went a bit wrong… we awoke the next morning to find the clay had peeled away from the edges and a good portion of water had escaped! We’re disappointed, but put it down to experience and look forward to our next pond being more of a success.
As usual the chooks have been up to mischief! This week we have been taking particular care of one chicken who has a sore and swollen eye, giving her eye salt water baths every morning and feeling sorry for her as she grumbles at us in discomfort. During the moving of chook domes we had several escapees who evaded us until later in the day and then got put back in the wrong domes, and we’ve spent a good portion of time catching the pecked hens to put Tiger Balm on their bare bits (a taste the chooks are supposed to hate)…a very unusual task!
So now the week’s work is complete we look forward to seeing friends and climbing
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